How many Facebook Groups are you in right now? I bet most of you wouldn’t know the exact number. I know I couldn’t.
Do you know what else I’d bet money on?
There are only a few groups that you’d be able to think of immediately. Those that offer value to you, in which you engage and build relationships with fellow members even if they’re centering their brands at the same time.
This is the standard that all groups should aspire to uphold.
In this extended post, we’re going to go over every single thing you need to know about Facebook groups, including why you should be using them, how to create and maintain groups, best practices, and so much more.
Once you’re done the reading, you’ll have everything you need to get your group not only up and running, but thriving, too!
Benefits of Facebook Groups for Business
Over the past few years, you’ve likely noticed more and more groups run by businesses popping up. These are branded groups, which may allow entry to anyone who wants to join, customers-only, or only users who purchase a subscription package through the business that happens to include group membership itself.
There are a few key reasons for the increase in Facebook groups usage. Let’s take a look at each one.
Build long-lasting relationships with customers
Facebook groups are extremely valuable in general, but they can have a huge impact when used in your marketing strategy. Businesses who center a group around their brand — whether it’s part of a subscription service or not — can build a community around it.
This makes your brand and products even more valuable to the customers. And what’s better than getting a group of people together who love you and your products?
Think about the digital sales funnel: you don’t just want people to purchase once, and that’s it. You want to move them through loyalty to advocacy.
A Facebook group can help you do that while helping you connect with your customers on a one-on-one basis. They get to know some of the people behind your brand, which is crucial to increasing rapport.
Increase your organic reach
In 2018, Facebook rolled out an algorithm known as “Facebook Zero,” and simply put, this is the reason why you most likely see Group content dominating your newsfeeds.
Zuckerberg himself even said outright that people want to hear more from family, friends, and groups, and that was precisely what they were going to give users, which is why posts from different groups show up so frequently and at the top of your feeds. People are often highly active in the Groups they join, and it’s a key part of that community-building feeling they were going for.
Group content, therefore, has significantly better organic reach than standard Pages, which have a reach of about 5.20% if they’re high-performing. You can post the exact same content in both places, and you’re practically guaranteed to see significantly higher reach and engagement on group posts. This is so powerful on social media, where getting your content in front of people has n become half the battle in terms of driving meaningful results.
You can offer additional value
We see this all the time in AdEspresso’s private group for University members: People are posting scenarios, questions, and even details about their marketing strategy and performance that they’d be extremely unlikely to publish publicly, and they can get personalized, expert answers from several different members of our staff.
Groups also have a number of exceptional features to offer value in new ways, including mentorship opportunities, learning blocks (which allow you to host courses on the platform), and even live watch parties with members. You can create exclusive content just for group members, which can even be used to encourage users to become customers to gain access to this exclusive virtual club (if that’s a condition of joining, of course).
Facebook Page vs. Groups: What’s the Difference?
This is something we’re asked a lot by businesses: If I already have a Page, why do I need a group and what’s the difference?
Your Page is essentially your business’s profile. It features information about your business, you can collect reviews and set up a virtual shop, and the biggest focus is on the content that you’re posting. Other people can post to your Page, but it’s hidden away in a separate tab that users need to search out. All Pages are public by default, though you can ban specific users from engaging on them.
A group is a place on Facebook where users can join as members to engage with others frequently. All group posts that are accepted (if you’re choosing to require admin approval) will show up in the group feed, and the biggest emphasis is on interaction. Groups can be private, and it fosters a sense of community. People are more likely to form relationships not only with you but also with other users through groups. Because these groups can be at least semi-private, you can share exclusive content here.
How to Create a Group on Facebook
Ready to get started creating a Facebook group for your business?
1. You can start by clicking the “+” near your profile picture and finding the “Group” option.
2. This immediately opens up a tab for group creation. All you need to do to get started is to set a group name and choose your group privacy and visibility options.
You’ll notice that if your group is set to “Public,” it’s automatically going to be visible, meaning that anyone can find it and view it. If it’s set to “Private,” you’ll choose whether you want it to be hidden or visible. We’ll talk more about how to make this choice in the next section.
3. You can invite friends now from this screen, but we recommend waiting until you’ve finished setting up the group from within the group dashboard. Once these few tasks are accomplished, go ahead and create the group.
4. After you do, we strongly recommend making the following adjustments before inviting people:
- Add a group description. This is visible even to non-group members who can see your group page, and it tells them about the purpose of your group. Mention your brand name. This can be found under the settings tab.
- Set membership management restrictions. Do you want everyone who can to join the group? Or would you rather it be invite-only? And can members approve each other’s requests to join, or would you like this to be an admin-only position? For heavily branded groups, having your admins in control can make the groups easier to manage. This is also under the Settings tab.
- Upload a group cover image. Your group cover image is essentially its profile picture, so you want it to represent your group well and be visually appealing. Having a branded logo somewhere on the image for business groups is a good choice.
How to Create a Facebook Group for Business
Wondering how to make a business group on Facebook specifically to build a community around your brand? Let’s take a look at how to set up a facebook group for business.
When you’re running a Facebook group that’s meant to promote your business or brand, it’s essential to set up a link between your official Page and your group. This is an essential distinction because it can help you send traffic to your Page and establish branding. The “linked” tag will show up immediately under the cover photo, listing your Page after a “Group by.” Visibility can’t get much better than that.
With the new interface Facebook has just rolled out, the easiest way to set up a business group is to create a group exactly in the same way we discussed above and then simply add a linked account after the fact.
Go to your group settings in the lefthand navigation bar, and then scroll down until you see “Advanced settings.” The option to add a linked Page can be found here, and all you need to do is select the proper Page from the ones you manage.
What Facebook Group Types Should I Choose?
When you’re setting up your group, we mentioned that you have the option to set up a group that’s either public or private, and hidden or visible. This determines who can see different parts of your group and when.
Let’s take a look at each choice and how to decide what’s right for you. And remember that you can edit this at any time by going to your settings and then adjusting the group privacy and visibility settings.
Public vs. Private Facebook Groups
Public Facebook groups can be found by anyone who searches for them, and anyone can see who is in the group and the discussions taking place there. Members do still have to request to join, and they need to join before they can actively participate. Public groups can’t be hidden, and they’re a good option if you want to prioritize quantity in terms of group members. If you want to scale fast and it doesn’t really matter who joins, this option can work.
In most cases, however, private Facebook groups are going to be the best bet for businesses. They allow you to control the quality of the group, and many members are more likely to be invested and more open in closed, exclusive groups. You can even set up questions that people have to answer before their request to join is accepted, even if it’s as simple as “What’s your experience in the field?” “What email is your subscription to our business under so we can validate membership?” or “Why do you want to join our group?
Remember that anything that happens in your branded group reflects on your brand. If it becomes too big for your team to manage and it ends up overrun with spam, low-quality posts, that will impact how people see you.
Hidden vs. Visible Facebook Groups
If you choose a Facebook group that’s private, it can either be hidden or visible.
For those who have been using Facebook groups for years, private and visible groups used to be called “closed” groups, and private and hidden groups used to be called “secret.”
Private and visible Facebook groups can be found through search, and it requires approved membership in order to see anything beyond a group description, members, and group history. You can turn people away. This is what non-members will see when they find you:
Private groups that are hidden can only be found by current members and those who have been invited to the group already (even if they aren’t members yet). Only members are able to view the group content beyond that waiting-room-styled display above.
Most business groups are most effective when set to private and visible. People can find you and you have full control of who gets to see and view group content, giving you the best of both worlds for a balance of quantity and quality while still being findable.
Hidden groups are most effective for internal team use or if you want to set up a highly-exclusive group that’s invite-only and don’t want the backlash of angry people who aren’t accepted.
How to Post in a Facebook Group
There are currently several options for posting in a Facebook group, including options for scheduling posts in advance.
To create a post, go to your group’s discussion tab, and then click on the “What’s on your mind” prompt.
You can then enter in the post, adding text, images, videos, gifs, and tags. At this point, you can publish the post immediately. You can also schedule it for later by clicking on the small calendar icon next to the “Post” tab.
When you click the calendar, you can choose exactly what date and time you want the post to publish. This allows you to create content far in advance while still ensuring that you’ll never miss a peak posting time.
You can also schedule posts (and review content that’s on the calendar) through the group’s navigation tab on the left side under “Scheduled Posts.” You can create new content here and determine when it will be published.
To make things even easier for busy social managers trying to manage multiple platforms, you can also schedule posts to Facebook groups through third-party management software. My preferred choice for organic groups-focused content is Hootsuite.
This makes it easier for you to manage your content calendar across all social channels, including your Facebook group. You can see how this works here:
Pro tip: Here’s how to add your Facebook group or page to your Hootsuite profile.
Different Ways to Use Facebook Groups for Business
We’ve discussed the benefits of Facebook groups for businesses, but the advantages you see will depend entirely on how you choose to use the group and what purpose it’s meant to serve.
Let’s take a look at some of the core ways businesses can use groups to benefit their brand.
As a Customer Support Community
Customer service is a major differentiator right now between competitors, as 96% of consumers all over the world cite customer service as an important influential factor when choosing which brands to purchase from.
Using your group to facilitate better service to the customers who become members is an outstanding choice. People can flag issues that the support team hasn’t been able to address yet, and they can also receive support even outside technical glitches or product issues.
In our AdEspresso University Facebook group, for example, advertisers are able to ask questions about ads strategy – from targeting to creative design and implementation and more in order to get the most out of their ad campaigns.
This is a huge value offer, and it’s offering dedicated support on a personal level – and something only available for AdEspresso customers.
As a Place for Fans to Connect with Each Other
Building a community doesn’t just mean better one-on-one relationships with you and your customers. It can also mean facilitating relationships between your customers, too! The bigger the sense of community your group can provide, the more valuable it can become, and loyalty can increase across the board.
My kickboxing studio, for example, is a community. We don’t just go for the boxing practice and the exercise. It’s a group of people that are now supporting each other. And believe it or not, you can use your groups to create the same feeling of inclusion and togetherness.
Purple Carrot’s group is a great example of this. The group has taken on a life of its own in a good way by encouraging users to share their dishes and questions, and people are happy to weigh in to make recommendations for vegan products and cooking tips. It feels like a real community.
As a Forum to Receive Feedback
Getting honest feedback from customers who are invested enough in your brand to join your group is exceptionally valuable. All businesses should want to get honest customer feedback to see where they can improve and what else your target audience may be looking for.
You can use your group to ask for feedback on everything from how they feel about a product to what they’d like to see next from you. There’s even the option to ask about what content they’d like to see, and whether or not they’re happy with existing brand policies.
Ask specific questions, and you’ll get direct, actionable feedback.
As an Incentive for Leads to Convert
You may have noticed a recent trend in the past few years where brands offer access to an exclusive group (often led by experts) for those who become customers or subscribers to specific programs or product packages. This is where Facebook group marketing comes in. The group markets the business, but marketing the group can help attract new customers, too.
As of right now, Facebook doesn’t currently allow you to sell membership to groups outside of subscriber groups (which only certain brands are eligible for, and which you can learn about here). You can’t set up a landing page on your site and charge $100 exclusively for group access. They can shut you down if they find out.
You can, however, leverage the exclusive group as a perk of becoming a customer. That’s entirely allowed. And by promoting the benefits of the group and the access they’ll have to a supportive, knowledgeable community and your own staff, you have a powerful incentive for driving conversions.
As a Way to Find Beta Testers, Brand Ambassadors, and Affiliates
When we’re releasing a new product, a new feature of our SaaS, or even breaking into a new niche, it’s useful to have feedback from people who are familiar with our brand. You can use your group to find beta testers who will eagerly provide feedback, and you can know that they’re a great representation of your target audience.
You can also use groups to find brand ambassadors, who can help you promote your business through word-of-mouth marketing. So-called “raving fans” (and not just “satisfied customers”) are often thrilled to shout your praises from the rooftop, especially if you’re willing to feature them in a case study or on social media, or to throw in some affiliate commissions.
6 Tips and Features for Facebook Group Marketing
Interested in marketing on Facebook groups to promote your business and get all those wonderful benefits? These six tips can help you do exactly that.
1. Create a Clear Code of Conduct
For some using Facebook groups for business or marketing, it’s helpful to establish group policies. These can be published in the description, but it’s a good call to make up to 10 official rules with one of Facebook’s newer group features that allows you to actually dictate rules.
The laws of the group will then be placed in the About section of your description, making them easy to see and notice. This can be found under the “Group Rules” section only admins will see in the left navigation bar.
Common policies of Facebook groups run by businesses often include:
- No blatant self-promotion without running it by the admins or moderators first.
- Potential terms of service, like “you only have access to this Facebook Group as long as you’re a subscription member.”
- Respect other members, and don’t be abusive or get too heated (I’ve seen some groups say “no-politics” given the current political climate).
- Don’t share any information, including screenshots or advice, from this group outside of it.
- You can only be granted membership if [insert conditions here].
2. Publish Announcements to Keep Everyone Up to Speed
Group admins can create “announcements” that show up at the top of users feeds and are featured in their own special tab. These can be used to announce new group rules, big events within your business, and anything else that you really want users to know. These shouldn’t replace all posts, but use them to maximize the visibility of high-priority content.
3. Upload Welcome Posts Frequently
This isn’t a good fit for all groups, so you’ll need to decide if it’s for you. Socially-driven (as opposed to B2B) groups, however, can benefit from frequent welcome posts that introduce new members to the group and ask them to share something about themselves.
This is a great way to encourage new members to dip their toes in the water and to start building that sense of community.
4. Engage Consistently
You want to engage with group members consistently. This is important, because if you’re not, they’re going to lose interest quickly. Answer questions that they have, even if others have already answered, too. Like posts, and respond to comments.
That being said, you don’t need to be too present depending on the group that you’re running, as you want to give users room to make relationships with each other.
A good rule of thumb: If people are joining for access to expert opinions (like from an ad expert, a financial advisor, or a nutritionist), you should be heavily involved. If it’s a group run by a dog trainer for people to set up playdates and share their favorite toys, you don’t need to interact with every post.
5. Use Moderation Features to Your Benefit
Group moderation features are going to be your best friend, especially as your group grows. Keyword and moderation alerts in particular can be useful.
Some posts are going to be more urgent than others. One that mentions “downtime” for a SaaS brand will want to be flagged right away, because it could signal an issue your team isn’t even aware of yet. We also strongly recommend flagging any controversial keywords or those associated with misinformation or arguments (including, obviously, hate speech). This can help you get ahead of a heated conversation and shut it down before it even happens.
6. Go Live
Facebook live videos are wildly popular, and they get incredible engagement. They give your members a chance to interact with you directly and ask questions that you can answer in real-time. It’s excellent for community building and relationship building within Facebook groups.
For best results, announce your live event in advance, and encourage users to submit questions early. This can help you prepare answers for any questions they may have.
Final Thoughts on Facebook Groups for Business
Facebook groups have always had plenty of potential that businesses could use to their advantage, and now with the new group features, they’re more effective and powerful than ever before.
While you shouldn’t choose between a Page or a group, you should use both to build awareness and a community around your brand. The group’s exclusivity and more personal interactions will help you do exactly this. .
What do you think? Do you use Facebook groups for your business? Have you started a group involving or centering your brand? How do you increase engagement and followers within your group? Leave us a comment and let us know what you think!
I’m trying to close a group but have 10 “Hidden Members” ~ how do I get rid of those so I can remove myself and officially shut it down?
Carrie Seger. I don’t know how to close it but you kick the members, that part is easy.
I have a group member who has never been able to post. He is not blocked from posting and it is without approval that all members can posts if related to topics listed. Is there a setting on his personal account tgat may be causing the issue? It is not only our group but all the groups he is a member of. He has asked me what can he do to fix it.
Coukd the 10 hidden members be those you may have blocked from your personal account?
Facebook now has a feature for group admins where you can remove hidden or “unavailable” members.
Go to Members. Your page splits into two sides. A left side with your admins and moderators and a right side with blocks. In the right column there should be a section that says “unavailable” and “Blocked”.
Click on Unavailable and delete any hidden members.
What if you as the admin left the group thinking you had deleted all members prior to shutting it down only to find there are still 2 hidden members and now you can’t rejoin because you have to be approved by the admin?
How do I add members. It will not let me add any more members. Do u get suspended for a bit to add members of maybe we added to many In one day?
Happening to me now 🙁
I made a group last week and it already has 18000 members .very active and engaging and not one of us can see anything in tg newsfeeds .please help
My Facebook group, a group for artist was shut down for review going on 3 weeks ago. The report was a false report by someone who was jealous. Anyway 3 week now. Isn’t that a bit much? How long can I expect to wait?
I have a closed group which is very busy and has almost twenty thousand members but not one person can see the posts on newsfeed .even I can’t .the setting are all correct but nothing is working .it’s only a week old .please advise
A group blocked me and removed posts. I have no recourse. My activity log shows that posts I made prior to the block are gone.
I am confused how my activity log is not even showing an art work picture I posted to the group also prior to being blocked. The art work also contained text a long explanation of the art work. I can’t find this on my activity either. Another artwork was placed in the groups post, which is still there but still does not show on my activity log that I posted. How can I protect my artwork if it shows in a group but not my activity log as being posted to the group?
That’s because there’s an option to remove all comments from the member Andrea. That’s why you are having that issue they were deleted. Those comments no longer exist.
there is an option through which an admin can delete the posts made by the member in the last 7 days prior to blocking
A Face Book group blocked me and removed posts. I have no recourse. My activity log shows that posts I made prior to the reason of the block are gone.
I am confused how my activity log is not even showing an art work I posted to the group also, prior to being blocked. The art work also contained text a long explanation of the art work. I can’t find this on my activity log either. Another artwork was placed in the groups post, which is still there if I wish to continue with the group when the period of penalty is over, but this art work still does not show on my activity log that I posted it? How can I protect my artwork if it shows in a group but not my activity log as being posted to the group?
The other party (reason for my block) had her post removed. This post showed her indiscretion and the reason I was blocked. The Admin have more or less removed the evidence and punished me.
Most concerning is that I can’t see my Artwork post on my Activity Log.
Thank you for the fantastic article! Quick question – is there a limit to how many people can be in a group and if so does it vary by type of group? I heard it is a max of 250, but I am a member of a closed group that has over 30K members.
i create group . But i can not see the group insights
Loving the information on this web site, you have done great
job on the posts.
Is there a way to view the answers to the member request questions after the person is approved? For example, if you want to check back on why someone was approved, can you review their response?
thanks in advance
This is a great article – thanks you. Do you know if the answers of questions can be found somewhere in the group or is that info lost once the member is approved?
Do you mean if there is a way to view the answers to the member request questions after the person is approved?
Unfortunately not 🙁 sorry
lost 🙁
So how do new groups get the admin /moderator star badges? Do we need to hit a certain amount of members first? I see most all other groups have this feature.
Hi, that’s my question too 🙁 I’ve got a group with 1.4K and still no badges for admins and moderators
Did you figure this out? My group is actually old but still doesn’t have badges
We have nearly 5000 members still no badges…
I wish we could SEE who answered the questions later so that after they are accepted we know who DIDN’T answer the questions.
If an admin of a group charges a fee for any member to sell in a Facebook group they created, are they violating any Facebook policies? I could not find any documentation on this. If it is not, would it be considered reportable income? I am interested to find more documentation around this.
Did you ever find an answer to this?
Actually any kind of monetization of a Facebook group is violating the Termos of Service.
Can we see who uses the search bar in our group, and who/what they search for, we have 1000+ members
Thanks Dave
Can anybody on the internet view a group, even if they are not Facebook members?
If I decline membership to someone in my FB group by mistake, can they ask to join again so I could approve?
yes, they can, unless you blocked them! 🙂
Great article!!
I was Added to a Group, but I show as ‘Other Member’ instead of under the ‘Member’ list. What is ‘Other Member’??
I administer two Facebook buy and sell groups. Today, I cannot approve posts. I click on “approve” and nothing happens. Also, “Group Insights” keeps posting a notification on my pages. I click on it and go there and look and when I go back to my pages, the notifications are still there. I don’t know how to remove that notification. Can anyone help with these two problems? Thanks.
I don’t have an answer for you, @Mary Blood, but I have the same issue and it’s driving me crazy!
I administer a Facebook buy and sell group. One member request keeps showing up after repeatedly declining the member. I have tried to block the request but it keeps appearing instantly after declining. What to do?
my fb group is growing but The total number of mambership doesn’t reflect that How to solve it
my fb group is growing but The total number of mambership doesn’t reflect that How to solve it
Why the problem showing
Some awesome tips, I use Facebook groups for marketing very excessively, So these tips helps a lot. I’ll try optimising my groups more and learn how insights works.
Thanks for the info!
I’m a member of our alumni fb group. Lately I can not view new post. I searched my name on member’s list and still I’m a member.
Can’t believe how detailed article this is. Some very useful info you wouldn’t find anywhere else. I use MaherPost app to post to all joined groups, does anybody have any idea whether it is safe or not?
Thanks for the info. As an admin in a FB group, is there a way to tell when/who opts to leave the group?
Is there a way to place individual members on ‘moderate’ so that only their posts require approval from a Moderator or Administrator? I’d really like to do that with new members until they show that they understand the posting rules.
Hi, i Always read your article.You are doing a great job
Keep it up.
Thank You For Giving Me Such Great Information.
My page “LENS” being under review for last 48 Hours or more ,,, but the reason is not clear to me ,,, it is disabled… How can I make it active?
Do you know if there is a limit to how many posts TOTAL can be in a Facebook group? For some reason, I am not able to make a post. I am the Admin. When I click Write Post, I start typing & the box clears to while & I cannot type the post. Strange….
Is there a way of sending an Invite for people to join a Closed Group instead of just adding friends to the group?
Dear sir or madam
I would like to report that my group is being interfered with by a third party who clearly don’t want it to do well.
Some features are disabled such as news feeds don’t roll like it used to notifications are also disabled I don’t get new members notification please advice ne what will I do?
Total members is more than 96 k.
I am an admin for a group. There is a member who cannot post in the group. He is not restricted from posting and all members post without having pre-approval. Is there a setting on his personal account in privacy that coukd be the issue? He is the onky one having problems. It is not only with our group that he is having issues but with all the grouos he is a member. I have insured it is not from our end. None of tge admins or owner has him blocked. Hope youbcan help. The owner and us admins woukd appreciate any insight.
I created a public group yesterday and the only way one can see it or join is if I invite them. So in order to join I have to have them friend me so I can invite them into the group
A few things that are a pain in the arse with these groups, especially as an admin, anyone can post, but only the poster can edit the post, and only friends can add friends. And now for some strange reason, my tags are only occasionally working???
I started a private group and started adding people. All of a sudden, it is just showing them as “invited and not added” to my group. It isn’t a random thing. It is everyone since the first “invited” one happened. I am an Administrator.
This is happening to my Star Trek group. We can no longer add members, only invite them. I would like to know why it has changed. We have 14.3 K members but we can hardly grow anymore like we used to. It’s very infuriating and I’m thinking about archiving because it has kind of lost its appeal. It feels like we are out in a wasteland of sorts. We never get join requests, whereas we used to get a lot.
I’m an admin. with a lost and found animal group.
I’m looking for information regarding making photo albums. When I create an album, it is automatically duplicated in the group’s feed.
I’m looking at a way to avoid this. I deleted the album in the feed, but it automatically deleted the main album.
If there’s anyone out there who has a solution to this problem, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.
Hello, I recently started a public group and was notified that when members go to the group page they are not able to see all posts. As an admin I can see them. My fiance is not an admin looked on the group page and confirmed that he also was not able to see all of my posts either just as other members had told me. I have a bid site so the only bidders I am getting are those that happen to be on Facebook at the time I post and see my post in their news feed. Any help is appreciated. I have contacted Facebook help and have received no response. Thank you!
How long does Facebook keeps post on group website
Thank you for the most detailed post about FB groups. It is a big job to describe all the aspects. This site is a most useful one I’ve found about all topics in digital marketing.
I’m in a closed buying-selling group and recently have found that I can only view 9 photos of products for sale in a post that can have up to 30 or 40 photos total. Any idea why that is, and how I can change my settings so I can see all the photos in posts?
In my Group where the tabs are that say About, Discussion, Members, Events, etc. theres a tab titled “Recommendations” which has a list of group recommendations where members have posted businesses in comments as recommendations and they end up in that section. I did not add this section to the page and a lot of the businesses recommended there are not recommendations I would approve for the group.
How do I remove these recommendations within this tab and if I can’t, how do I delete the recommendations tab entirely?
Adding my self here, because I need this answered also!
Good info. Lucky me I discovered your website by chance (stumbleupon).
I’ve saved it for later!
I admin three groups. All but the largest group has the new group features like announcements and rules. Why doesn’t my largest group have these? (750 members, closed group)
For some reason, I cannot figure out how to implement the “Discussion Topics” feature in Facebook groups. I have it in a few other groups, but I am not able to create a new group with this feature.
Is there a special setting? Where do I find it?
Some really great tips, especially since the recent changes to the Facebook algorithms for business pages mean that organic reach is down.
What’s the best way to offer access to paid info in you FB group? Is it The purchase membership? I would like to open a private group but keep certain materials available to those who have paid.
I created a public Group which I would like to be searchable/viewable by anyone regardless of whether they have a FB account. How do I do this?
I am not able to view the members of any closed groups anymore. any idea why?
Good article, but what about events in the group?!
When I add one it goes under my name instead of the page name!?
Hi, I am on a Microsoft Laptop and I cannot see the “Personalize your invite” button. I made a lady admin of my group who uses a Mac and Safari – she can see it.
WT… Is that intended by Facebook?
I have a Group offering clothing to individuals, it has become a scrolling nightmare to locate the clothes for our members. I have been asked many time if there was a way to organize in to sub categories/groups to make locating easier. Why is this not a feature allowed in a facebook group and it should be. Please consider making this possible. Thank you, Kandy
Hi, I admin a neighbourhood-type group for the small town I live in. I ask people to answer to answer a question about reading and following the rules. However, many people do not answer. I can see from their profiles that they live in my town, and I’d like to approve them, but they are missing the questions. I can message them, but only as myself, so if we’re not friends, it will just disappear to the spam folder. Facebook should have a function where an admin can contact people wanting to join, reminding them to answer the questions or asking them for more information. It shouldn’t have to be down to messaging between individuals who don’t know each other.
I would like to create a secret group however I wanted to know if Facebook would automatically suggest other groups with the same interests in my group , I know for sure they suggest lots of groups to members but I want to make sure it doesn’t happen in a secret group …ty
Members that posted immediately after creating the group are being tagged “Founding Member”. NO THEY AREN’T. Has anyone figured out how to remove this flag?
I just figured it out from my own group. Under the group cover photo, click the More button then go to Edit Group settings. Then go to Manage badges, click off founding members and it should delete all the founding members badges.
I’m looking for the option to even MANAGE BADGES. It is not in one of the groups I admin, but is in a different group I admin. Do we know if this is just FB rolling things out super slowly or am I missing something?
Great article. I printed it. Shared it…. and followed it to set up my new closed group ‘the Dogs of Canning with Councillor Patrick Hall’. Unfortunately no-one seems to be able to find my group when searching for it in FB. It’s as if it’s invisible. I have checked the settings and it’s definitely a closed (not secret) group. HELP!!!! I’ve seen this exact same problem all over the internet… no one seems to have an answer. One thing, I have not selected any ‘tags’ or selected an appropriate group category (nothing seemed to fit). Could that be an issue? People are typing in the EXACT group name and still are unable to find it.
this is happened three times now that I have been removed after I complain that they censored a thread not because of me but because it was getting a little heated in fact this last one that I was on the heated was going on when I got in and walked into it and I saw that the girl was being hammered by all the other people because she had said she didn’t like people brushing whole groups of people or countries and I agreed with her but,, they killed the thread at that moment when she had left me a message already on my notifications that she appreciated it and liked it and that meant she is calm down when everybody else is hammering her and she was so nobody knows cuz she calm down and so that group now may be treating her accordingly to what they remember the last thing you said I on the other hand said I don’t like censorship so I’m not joining any more Facebook groups at all I’m removing myself from the ones I have been put on and I’m telling everybody not to put me on anymore or blocking that from happening but I want to know what happens to my art that’s left on that group when that happens and I bet the answer is going to be another wrong
I am managing several pages for a client. I am looking to clean up and streamline their Facebook pages. As of right now they don’t have a group. They host marathon and running events (non-profit). As of now they have their main Get Bold facebook page (it has the least likes/followers). Then they have several other pages one with about 4,300 like/followers, each of these pages are specific to the event. I’d like to know if I should take their Get Bold main page, convert that to a group. Then take the page that has the most like/followers and update that to be their main page? Then I can delete all other pages, so instead of each event having a separate page … each event would be added as an event on the new Get Bold page. This way we would have the benefit of the large following being moved to their main page, where followers would see all events and in addition now they would have a group. What would you suggest?
i search for list of group that accept post automaticly
I’m having a hard time adding members to my secret group. I am able to add people who “like” my public page, but only the first 40 come up in the list. Invites sent to people’s emails don’t always work. The only way I’ve been able to add some people is to friend them, add them to the group, and then unfriend them. I don’t want to make it a closed group unless I have to.
Any suggestions?
I am for some reason no longer able to pin posts in the groups I admin, is that a feature that is no longer available?
I did not see anything about troubleshooting Facebook on this page. I administer two groups and cannot see either one. I have the same problem trying to load other groups that I have joined. There is either a totally blank page with nowhere to log in or an error message. I am trying to access through Google on a laptop computer. Thanks for any help.
Hi. Great post.
I understand that I can give someone else the right to manage my FB group, so for example they can create new posts in the group, remove old ones etc.?
I’m asking just in case I wanted to sell my FB group to someone else. I hope such things are possible?
Awesome content! I was hoping to learn why we suddenly can’t approve members who areadded to our group? Is there a reference regarding notifications that prospective members must also approve before being added to a group? Hoping you have insights! 🙂
Awesome content! Hey how many groups can i post comments to in a day?
I set up a ‘Social Learning”group. but I can’t seem to find individual completion progress for each member. Do i have to wait 28 days like it is the case in “top Contributors”feature? The thing is that I promised them a completion certificate upon completion. I can’t tell out of the 300 hundred in my group who finished the units who didn’t.
My course is scheduled for only 10 days to finish.
Any help?
Why’d you feature niggers in your article? I don’t browse sites such as this to have my senses offended by the co-mingling of Europeans and racial aliens, disgusting, you should feel ashamed.
How long does ‘new member’ status last?
2 weeks, if you go to badges in group settings and click it gives you information on each of the badges…
You can also turn each badge off from there so they don’t show at all, or individual members can turn their own badges on and off as they please…
Judith, you have to mark the post as an announcement first. Once it is an announcement, you can pin it as a post.
This allows you to have several announcements, but one at the top of your list.
I have both a personal page and a group page. I can share pics from my group page to my personal page, but I cannot share from my personal page to my group page. According to my settings, it shows that People can share to it. Why can’t I? Please help.
An exciting update for all Facebook group admins is the fact that you can now connect your Facebook pixel to the group. This allows us to track members behaviour on our website (add to carts, purchases etc.)
I wrote a summary here
I am currently trying to customise my group URL and every time I enter the new word and click ‘customize address’ nothing happens. Had anyone else had this issue? The customisation I am trying to use is available and I have been able to do the same before for other groups, but it is not working for myself or any other admin.
For the last 3 weeks, I have noticed that I cannot see the “seen bys” on my secret FB group. They show up for a second, but then disappear. The only people I see are the people who “liked” the post. Did the Group Insights replace that see by feature?
I’m experiencing that same issue in my group. Not sure what I saw happening?
for over 5 weeks, I too have been unable to get my ‘seen by’ feature to work, AFTER somebody clicks ‘like’, apparently. The counter then drops back to just the one who clicked ‘like’, then subsequent ones who click ‘like’ as well. This is really throwing us off the entire game plan. How may I FIX THIS? I’ve had my Group on FB since 2009, and maintain 222 members. Yikes!
I am also having this same issue with the”seen by” counter, and its very frustrating. This has been going on for a few months now! How can this be fixed to go back to the original way it was working?
There seems to be a recent issue with Seen By in a Group, it has dramatically reduce in number, but people are telling me that they have seen the post? the group is only 200 members so nowhere near the seen by cut off.Spectr
Quick question… for some reason when I post to a group that I moderate (I am not the group owner) it posts as me. I am an admin and have been for a while. I have been trying to figure out how to post as the group name and not as myself. Can you help?
I am trying to add a member as an admin, but I do not get the gear icon, only “…” and there is not an ‘add admin’ option. Anyone else have this issue or can help?
thanks for the article. i am creating a new group and i notice that i don’t have the ability to have potential members answer questions but in my other groups I do. Is there a certain type of group it needs to be in order to have this option
Can you tell if a person who has been added to the group has actually accepted the request from another member?
I am on the committee of a community group and manage and are an Admin on our general page – previously a group page was set up and it’s not satisfactory as we want people to respond to and share our page notifications – Problem is they both bear exactly the same name so we are not getting our messages out to the people we want to reach (not the group) So the answer would be to close the group Yes? But no-one knows who is the administrator or who set it up. Arrrgh! Can we still close this group???
Can I review the questions members initially answered to join the group?
I set up a Club group and a club page,all the admins on the group used to be able to post as ADMIN but now it seems that that option has been removed or settings have changed.How do we get that facility back as some things,information etc need to be posted by ADMIN rather than an individual club committee member.
I have a page with a link and 35 people have liked my page but have not joined the group. Why does fb ask ppl to like the page of a promotion? How do I remove the like page and change it to join group?
When I share my website link to facebook post. I get this error (“Posts that look like spam according to our Community Guidelines are blocked on Facebook and can’t be edited.”). My website has no content that violates fb community guidelines. My website link is Please help.
What happened to topics. They were the best Idea ever. I fell under some pretty strange circumstances and for no one to say diddly about them through this entire article isn’t right. So I just started a singles group right.. About a week into it I have rules up and I’m slowly tinkering with topics and units. I’m cold marketing the group to another large group. And apparently I ruffle some feathers unintentionally. Next thing I know I’m shut down. That was on the 28th. So I do my research and discover it could be 21 days. So I build a knew one. Just after I got on a weekendation. When I get back, the facebook update has rolled out. Now from the looks of things because I belong to other groups, had I at least made one topic, I would have been golden. I would have at least been able to get to it. However that was not the case at all. Now since the rollout and new group and no heads up. I don’t get to use the new topics at all. I really liked how the topics were placed on the right. And on a side note. I am glad they combined the app and the browser side settings to all match. That is nice. Lol anybody with any suggestions would be great.
Great info and I appreciate it! When I try to add tags it wants to self populate with FB Groups. What if I just want to add things like ‘bohemian’, ‘gypsy’, ‘artisan’?
I do accept as true with all the ideas you have presented for
your post. They are really convincing and
will definitely work.
Thanks for the post.
I am a part of a Facebook group which is involved with quilting. They have recently encouraged members to display their blocks by adding them to albums created for each block. Previously the feed was a pleasure to scroll because each post came up individually. Now, however, the Album pops up instead, which is a royal pain. I have discovered that I can force my post into the feed by commenting on it myself. But the album still pops up too. My question is this: Is there a way that the Admins can make it so that Albums never pop up in the feed when new items are added to them? Or better still, can individual members customize the behavior of albums in their own feeds. I have already posted my discovery about commenting your own post, but that does not solve the annoying album behavior. Any thoughts?
It really is hard to come by educated people for this topic, but you seem like do you know what you are dealing with!
Our school parent organization wants to create a group for the parents. However, we want to use our organization’s information rather than our personal information to create the group so that as our students graduate, the new officers become the admins and the old leave the group. We don’t want a single person to be the “Creator.” Is it possible to do this?
As a moderator how can I send a notification of a post to all group members?
I would create a group chat! Works great for me to inform my group members of important posts or a live that will be forthcoming. etc.
I moderate a group with around 1,300 people, and it is VERY time-intensive. My biggest problem is identifying new replies. For example, if a post gets bumped to the top that has 50 comments, I have to go on an Easter egg hunt and open up *every single comment* to identify the one or more comments with new replies. Sometimes I see a blue line on new replies, and sometimes I see a time stamp on the last reply. However, this is inconsistent. Is there a more efficient way to make sure I’m not missing any new replies?
if you’ve removed yourself from a secret Facebook group and clicked the little box that says “do not allow friends to re-add” is there a way for the individual to remove that block and allow admin to add that person back again?
I was recently invited to a private group and was sent via email a join link. I hit the link and got an error.
Sorry, this content is’t available right now.
The page may only be visible to an audience you’re not in.
What needs to be done to join???
Nobody is seeing my posts on my group page which I’m the administrator. The last 2 weeks only 1 or 2 shows as “Seen”. How do I fix this?
We are trying to use Facebook groups for our church. We’ve created a “Mom’s Group” closed group and linked to our church page. However, we don’t want every church page admin to be able to see inside the closed group and conversation. Is there any way around this privacy issue?
Excellent article. Thanks
It seems you suggest that the group be created from one’s personal FB page. I’m trying to find out if one can create a group from a business page and so have it associated in some way with the business page. Or is the group page totally independent of the business page. Thank you
Sir group post are not showing members new feed like or comment also decrease resently I am change the setting public to private but after few hour I again changed its into public group but problem are that member are not find any single post of a group
Sir recently I am change the setting of my group public to private but after few hours I am again changed into a public now members are report that they not find any single post on new feed like or comment also decrease
Excellent guideline. I appropriate you write really good content. But some people face problem for buying group members. Because If you have lots of group members then possible to get traffic for your websites.
Excellent guideline. I appropriate you write really good content. But some people face problem for buying group members. Because If you have lots of group members then possible to get traffic for your websites.
Great article thank you for taking the time to write in such detail. In my small group of just over 80 more than half would usually “see” my post. That number has slowly been dwindling and my most recent post was only “seen by 4”. Do you know what would be causing this and how I can fix it?
The exact same thing is happening in my closed FB group. I have 79 members and was averaging 30-40 views but now I’m lucky if 4 people view something! So aggravating!
The same thing is happening to me and has been for a few weeks now. It’s so upsetting! It helped me to see how had “seen” my posts. I have over a 150 members. It started anywhere between 50 to sometimes over 100 seeing my posts to now I’m lucky if I get 1 to 4. I don’t understand how this happened all of a sudden over the last few weeks. Does anyone else know? In this article it mentions where you can contact Facebook and ask them a question. I still haven’t figured out how to do this. Anyone else?
What is up with that? I’m so frustrated I’ve lost momentum in my nice little community in my group, people aren’t seeing my posts. THat’s not fair! It goes against what this article says about prioritizing FB groups over pages!! These people WANT to see the posts.
You cant fix it. Read my other comments on this page. Fb has destroyed the essence of what a fb group used to mean. Its become a mish mash of hyped up technology. Inconsistent from one day to another.
What does the hand symbol next to my name mean when I post in a group?
Also what does the shield symbol and coffee symbol mean next to someone’s name when they post in the same group?
Are there any other symbols that appear after the users name?; if so what do they mean
I have a buy sell tread group.
My rules are You need to live 50 to 75 miles from where i am.
you must post in English.
Are these rules against Facebook policies
how do we share files in a closed group
i was doing great till half way thru 2018 something changed and now they cant open any of the files i post in our group
is there a reason why
yes i have it set so they can see it open it etc but not one member in our group can open files anymore
like we created rules and put them in a doc and we keep it in our files for reference no good if we no one can open them anymore
What I’m struggling with is the option to limit the potential members to multiple countries. Specifically I’d like to make the group invisible to Asian Facebook members, as I’m blocking 25-40 spammers from Indonesia specifically per day. All of these accounts are brand new (less than 6 months old) and with 2-3 friends and multiple groups that they belong to.
I have a facebook group I created with my Fanpage, it shows my fanpage as an admin but not myself.
I am the admin of the page but have no way of accessing the group settings or adding admins which means it’s pretty much dead.
Any ideas on how I can regain control of the group?
I have created a group and I now get an error message saying “this group has reached the limit on the number of members a given group can have.” but my group only has 265 members, please help!
I am the only admin of my group, and all of a sudden I do not have have admin priviledges. How can I get control of my group back?
My group is Public and there are no restrictions to it but when someone looks for the name that is not part of the group it does not come up. Why is this? I tried everything and its like my group is invincible. Please help.
I am the only admin of a group and accidentally removed myself as admin. How can I undo this. Please HELP!
Viewing any of the groups that I am a member of I do not see the left hand side menu and therefore cannot access features eg files. Have I got a setting set that causes this and how top change this?
My post views in my group have dropped from around 60 out of 200 members to 2-4 views in the last couple of months. I am doing nothing different to cause this. A recent poll verified that the wanted me to keep giving the information I am offering.
Any ideas as to why?
Looks like this issue affects a lot of groups. I have a group of ~100 members, usually posts had about 80-90 views. Now it is 5-15… This must be a bug on FB side.
Not a bug. Its the fb nutty algorythm that “administers” your group now. Its destroying the whole focus of having groups and keeping all members updated. High profile groups 2000 members probably wouldnt notice, but the average group with 100-200 members is where it is really apparent. Your members need to react. If they merely “see” they dont receive your posts in their feed. Some of my members have missed my posts and have manually typed in the name of the group to keep updated. Guess what? they have received recent posts and reacted. But it wont last if they dont react to everything! Its become a farce. My other replies on here demonstrate my anger.
Would love to perpetually get updated outstanding weblog!
Can someaone help me please? I’ve got a group with 1.4K members but admins,moderators,new members, conversation starters have no badges. When will the badges show up? Mant thanks
I have a closed FB group of 120 members and find that it is being “seen” by less and less members. The first posts were seen by the most and they decrease since then. Members report not being notified about posts. Videos only get “seen”by nearly half and even with more commenting, members are not seeing posts. Is this some sort of FB algorithm?
Its fb logic!
I have posted my anger on here about the absurdity of what is going on with fb
I run a group and the essence of it has been totally lost. I and many others Im sure, have the same problem you describe. Its Fb or their nutty algorhthm that “administers” your group now. Deciding who, how and when. I am fuming. The dynamics of the group has been destroyed. My posts disappear into thin air. Havent a clue who sees them but have been carrying out a little research and I only have fb to thank for their wretched ridiculous high tech hype for destroying the hard work of administrators and time spent keeping their members up to date. If your members dont react they dont get im afraid…and they may miss out considerably and just give up being a member. High profile groups eg 2000 members or more dont feel it so hard. Probably dont notice. Very sad. Im talking about the average 100-200 members
I am having trouble with Facebook Blocking me as an admin from adding people to the group. How does Facebook think people are able to use the group if we can’t even add people on a regular basis. There is never a warning just blocked. What is the solution for this. Seems like Facebook is knocking people down from exactly what they are trying to build.
Several people have this issue including me but I haven’t seen and answer yet. 🙁
I have linked groups to a VIP page I have before, but this past week, I’ve tried multiple times to link the VIP page to another group I manage, but NEITHER group is visable as an option in each others’ groups and I can’t seem to find anything on the internet to help me figure this out. Is this a FB glitch or is there something i need to know about how the groups are set up that may be causing the issue.
“Glitch” is being very polite. Fb is full of them
Does Facebook Groups have a way to include a non-Facebook member (someone who refuses to get a Facebook account for whatever reason) in a Facebook group activities via email? For instance, a small apartment building has a private group, but not all of the tenants use, or want to use, Facebook. It would be nice to be able to include these holdouts in the goings-on (posts, photos, etc.) of this group via email bidirectionally, meaning they get an email containing all posts *and* their email reply registers as a post in the group on the Facebook side. Is this possible? Yet? Hoping so! Thanks!! 🙂
Hello Everyone, I have asked this question on the facebook group forum and received no answers. From what I understand it you classify a post as an announcement it stays at the top of your group discussion. I posted an announcement to our group page ( , it is a new class announcement) and for me and at least one other member if we go to the group, there it is at the top of the page but at least one member (and unknown others) when they go to the group, the announcement is NOT at the top of the discussion. Can anyone solve this? I would really like the announcement to be at the top of the discussion for everyone that goes to our group page.
Have to press on the announcement button found in the menu running along the top with the chat, posts, discussion, announcements buttons etc It used to be as you say but all changed for the worse now. My “add announcement” button has disappeared now. And im desperate to add one.Hope you can find yours!
Our group is secret and we do not show the option to ask questions of new members. Is this because we are secret?
Thank you for a fab article covering it all, woow great job.
Would you know why on my group (and not any other) the right hand side panel is gone away about 3 days ago and I cannot seem to be able to restore it at all? It is the one with members numbers, welcome post, grup description, tags etc?
I would appreciate any advice and thank you in advance 🙂
Have a good day 🙂
Its a shame that fb has reached the stage where it has to reteach its members on how to use it. You probably werent born before it became hyped up technology sop
I’d like to know about allowing group members sharing their events. Pros and cons. Does the group appear to endorse the events. Is there an easy way to moderate. I’m also curious about whether I should allow pages to join the group. FB now allows it and I’m concerned about the group being spammed by biz pages. Right now my page is the one attached to the group and I don’t want that attachment to be weakened. Thanks
I am an administrator. I cannot add on new members. I keep getting the message, something was wrong and the person wasn’t added. There is also a list of people supposedly in preview mode but I don’t see any options to approve their membership.
What is going on?
I’m in the same boat. Now my members can only invite and it is really killing us. I’m about ready to archive but the people do enjoy the group. It’s upsetting to me.
Ongoing for ages and ages. My experience anyway
Has anyone found a solution for this? I was the admin to 65 groups linked to my business page. I noticed on some of the groups’ Member section, I am no longer listed as an admin – yet I still get notifications when someone wants to join the group (but when I click to add them, there is nothing there). Also, when I go to the Settings – Groups section directly within my business Page, it says I am supposedly still an Admin of all 65 groups. It’s like I’m stuck in limbo somewhere. I’ve tried reading tons of forums for help. Any luck??
We still can’t delete our own posts from a group that we no longer are in. This needs to change asap. When someone leaves a group or gets kicked from one, they should be allowed to choose if to delete their own post and content from it.
I have a few posts that generate over 800 comments in a month which has proven to shut the post down. How many comments is max? I have started deleting comments as I go to avoid this. Will it affect my engagement score to delete them or does the engagement stay the same regardless?
If Facebook deleted a group… can it get back??
Simply desir to sayy your article is as surprising.
The clarity on yyour publish is simply spectacular andd that i could thnk you aare a professional
on thiis subject. Well together with your permission allow me to
seize your RSS eed to stay updated wit impending post.
Thanks 1,000,000 and please keep up the rewarding work.
Thanks for the article, it´s really interesting.
I would like to add topic tags to our posts so that we can easily find old posts about x, y, z.. and all the other topics we post about. I’ve seen it in other groups as a box in the right hand side bar “topic tags” and a little tag icon that allows you to categorize a post as you make it – but here it doesn’t appear. Does anyone know how to do that?
Thanks in advance,
Your help is needed. In my secret group, members who invited people need to resend the invite. At this time, what I can tell, only the admins can see the resend invite. Is there a way for members to resend the invite or us admins?
Question: if someone chooses not to join your group after you have added them, will you be able to add them again? I’m hesitant to continue adding friends because i don’t know if I’ve already added them! Thank you for this very informative post.
This is all good, and well done Facebook. I am looking forward to the new group abilities.
However, where is the being informed of persons whom have left group. This is to not re-invite and/or place on an approval needed list, if they want to rejoin etc.
This question may end up in a void somewhere, but I haven’t seen it answered anywhere. I have 3 questions to filter new members. If one of my current members adds someone new, I have it set so that I must approve, however, they don’t get the filtering questions! Help! Is this a bug? I don’t see a setting for it.
If I have a public FB Group and created a public FB Group Event and invited non-group members to join it, is there a reason GROUP members are the only ones who can hit GOING? I thought if the FB group event is public, anyone should be able to hit GOING not INTERESTED. Is there a policy about this or a fix for this?
It appears that I am blocked from added people to my own group. It doesn’t say so directly but when I add, nothing happens. Could this be true? How do I fix it?
Same here 🙁
I am having a hard time gaining engagement of a group. Would you suggest removing all members and starting over?
Are they actually receiving your posts? This is the problem these days. Fb decides who and when. Groups have been severely flawed since …well…read this above page again. Should it be really necessary to have to teach people how to use fb?
Once it was written for ordinary people. Not robots.
If you can find the “add announcement button” (mine has disappeared…there we go) first ask if they are receiving your posts, and ask for feedback. The algorythm will prick up its ears when people react and thus feed them your posts.
OR suggest to your group members that they manually need to look up the group s name in order for the algorythm to detect interest, and thus will show your posts in their feed. This is how it works these days it seems. Fb has twisted it this way. If they are not receiving your posts then how can they react anyway? That is why I have suggested the above.
The ability to add “tags” is flawed. The only options I get are to add current pages that exist but none of them that pop up are even relevant to the tag Im trying to add. Go figure, Facebook … a multi million dollar platform, can’t even get tags right. Sad.
I’m trying to invite my Page Fans to join my Group. The Group is linked to the Page.
But when I go to the Groups tab, and click the Invite button next to the Group, I get the following message: “There aren’t any fans of … to invite at this time.”
Why is this happening? There are many Fans that have not been invited to the Group yet, so that cannot be the reason.
Is it now possible to change Facebook group name with more than 100 000 members?
When I go to add members; no members come up. I can’t change the photo. I can’t do anything past creating the group. I hope I’m missing something obvious. Please advise.
Dear fb, I always have loads of troubles w fb groups. Groups bully me w rules that people break. I always get in trouble and never do anything wrong. There needs to be more Human Resources for problem solving cause nobody sees situations correctly and blame wrong person. The block can’t always be a solution. Please please do something about groups.
Your style is so unique compared to other folks I’ve read stuff from.
Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll
just book mark this page.
I am a member of a travel group that has a “Recommendations” tab which shows goods, services and locations that have been recommended previously in the group in an orderly categorized manner. How can I add a “recommendations” tab to my group?
Why aren’t group members seeing my posts? I am posting daily, but only see that some have no views, some only 2 views, none more than like 6 views ???
Its happening to many. The essence of group membership has been destroyed by fb whimsical great and unclever ideas. Read this page again for example
I am wondering if it is possible to host a Facebook Premiere in a group like you can on a Like Page?
Very new to this. Can someone tell me the difference between “Seen by” and “Viewed by” on a live video?
Wouldnt bother about “seen by” On my fb group I have now lost this very useful tip. I now feel my posts (i’m an admin)go out into thin air and not to members. Havent a clue who sees them anymore. Only fb decides and might let you know about 1 or 3 reactions! Farce fb has gone just a little over the top with their cleverness UN.
Can Facebook remove members from a closed or secret group? There are a number of posts going around which suggest that facebook (rather than the group’s admins) have “culled” members who haven’t posted within a certain timeframe.
Thanks, I will go to study in more detail.
I’ve just been made admin in a group recently and want to know if a messaging system can be set up directly to the group opposed to individual admins being messaged?
I am the admin of a group of 9k people and Facebook does not allow me to add any more members even other people are trying to add to my group and nothing. Several people have the same issue here but o answer so far.
Hi there. Great article and information. I have a quick question. I have a page and I would like to join certain groups under that page name and not my personal profile name. Is this possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I have a group of 96 members and I used to be able to see ‘seen by’ numbers for every post. They were constistently in the 15-40 range. Over the last 6 months I’ve had posts that have no ‘seen by’ info and posts that have very few seen by (1-6) and then some posts show a seen by number that changes over time from high to low for one post. I would understand if it has been taken away altogether but it seems to come and go and be very inconsistent.’
Fb has bugged up membership groups. All what you say here is my experience too. Fb has become a mish mash of hyped up technology which as you say is inconsistent from day to day. I have put my comment which has to be moderated. Fb had become farcicle. Ridiculous. Why the heck do we need this page an epistlye of ribbish, to explain to everyone HOW to use fb. WHY has it become necessary???? Laughable.
Fb has become a mish mash. They are not into the right minds of simplicity or organised. Its a nighmare and quagmire of “oooh arent we (fb) clever?” Group membership has been bugged. Half the members dont see feeds anymore. Fb decides WHO will see them, depending upon reactions. Now fb listen here, if people dont receive feed on something of interest to them HOW can they react- rather very silly. I suggest you reinstall technicians that have the minds of normal human beings instead of churning out all the rubbish (inconsistent by the way from day to day ) by mindless robots. Facebook has become farcicle. Not like it used to be…easy straightforward for people to know what they are doing. Fb has become outrageous and ridulously high hyped in technology, that isnt cared for very much. Take this page for example. What a load of …. should you REALLY have to go into an epistle of explanation on how to use fb. Get real
Thanks very much, very informative. However, I’m trying to discern how to either create a FB group from my business page or link my FB group to my business page. Every walk-through I’ve found to explain this has been antiquated since FB keeps updating things. Please help if you know how to accomplish this, thanks again.
How do I post as an admin? When I post it appears as just another member
What is the maximum number of GROUP Posts the whole GROUP can post into one GROUP per day?
Trying to understand total GROUP POSTS that can be made not for 1 individual. How many NEW Posts can ALL GROUP Members make in total?
Can a group take 5000 NEW POSTS a day – even if they are video posts?
Hello. I created a Facebook Group, but I share posts as me not as the Group. Is that how is it. It’s just doesn’t feel right? Please help
If I am not a member of a group and click to view the post, will it say “seen by” my name?
I admin a group page. It says I have messages but when I click on the message box there are no messages Help.
Yesterday, I lost everything on the right hand side of 5 of the 6 pages I administer. Everything from the description down.. the members, the most recent photos, the most recent posts. Any idea how to get these back. One of the pages was left OK.. Not sure what happened or how to fix it.
If It appears I have been removed from a group with no explanation what so ever & the admins are not responding to my request for an explanation. Is there anything I can do about it. I know this may sound silly but I’d obviously like to know if someone has made any false allegations against me ?
I joined a group as my page, made a post and want to delete it now but I don’t have the option to delete. How do I delete it?
I have a class reunion page set up. I usually thought that when I posted something on it a notification went out to members. That doesn’t seem to be happening anymore. I’ve confirmed with some members who didn’t get any notice. How do I fix this?
Excellent article.
How do we post a ‘join the group’ on the facebook page?
I am the admin of a secret group. Someone, not a member, reacted to a post I put on the group. How does a non member comment or react to anything in a secret group? His wife is a member but the actions I speak of show in his name, not hers. Thank you.
If FB truly wants to promote groups then why is there no longer anyway to post directly to your groups from photos, social media or links on the net? This needs to be reestablished asap or groups will die. If I can’t post to the two groups I’m an admin for then there is no way to keep them active and viable. If I can’t post to the groups I’m a member of then those groups will also expire. Wake up FB. THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO KEEP GROUPS GOING…
I made a group last week and it already has 18000 members .very active and engaging and not one of us can see anything in tg newsfeeds .please help
I run a gardening group over the last few months I find it hopples to add new members f/b removes them before they reach my group also this month they have been stopping my posts as not in f/b policy
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I have a bird group on facebook of which I am the sole admin. In the last couple of weeks I have been receiving requests – 30 or more per day – from people who have no other connection to nature what so ever, and their profiles show none either. What could be the cause of this please and is there any way to stop it as I feel they are not genuine requests?
How do I stop Facebook from promoting a group I am admin of? I am receiving 40 + non-relevant membership requests daily. They all have no mutual intetests to, or friends in, the group I have and seem to be fairly new to FB.
Great facebook marketing ideas.
How do I change the icon of the group? I do not want to use those shown by facebook.
Hey, do you know the exact number of Facebook groups there is? Tnx
How to find *all* posts *from someone* in a group?
There are no keywords in this search.
Some genuinely quality posts on this internet site, saved to fav.
I always feel that Facebook groups have a much higher organic reach than Facebook pages. If I publish a blog update on my facebook page the reach is very less. But If I publish a blog updated on a facebook group in my niche then I get a lot of reach and engagements as well. And I completely agree with the fact that facebook group helps in building a personalized connection with the users.
In a closed Facebook Group, if an event is created, and posts are made inside that event, is the post published on the Group’s posts page?
I run a business page for my place of employment, and we recently created a group for a select group. This is not for business purposes and is strictly for networking and connecting, so we changed the privacy setting to a secret group. Although people can’t see the group, we have let them know they can contact me if they want to be added to the group. However, I am not sure where to go from here. Under the “Invite” tab, it says “Invite people who like your Page, [page name], to join this group.” It then gives me a short list of recommended people, but nowhere to type in names or email addresses. What can I do to add people outside of the ones that are recommended to me?
If you blocked somebody in your privacy settings from finding you on your own page, can that person still join a group or like a page you administrate? I ask because I saw somebody request to join my group today who I have blocked. I accepted just to see what it does and it approved him but when I look in the members list he’s not there.
How can I only allow the Admin or Moderators to create a Group Event? Too many chiefs on our group – gotta limit it to Admin and moderators. Please let me know if there is a way?
Is there any way one can grow a facebook group exponentially faster? If there is kindly post an update on that topic.
Thanks for this amazing and detailed article.
I am opening a closed group right now and used the Units. In each unit I want to pin a blog that models how to use that unit and has journaling questions. I want that post to stay at the top.
But unless I have other posts and use the ordering tool, I cannot pin a post to the top of a unit. Or is there a way?
My other question is that I’d love to use Mentorship but I cannot find a way to approve mentorship requests and I do not want to leave it open because I want to ensure that the people who mentor are qualified to do so. So I removed Mentorship for right now.
Is there a way for the Admin. to approve/decline Mentorship requests?
I recently deleted my group. However, I can still find it when I search for it and it says there are four members. I removed all the members before prompting myself to leave and delete the group. Why can I still find my deleted group and why is it saying there are four members in the group?
If you remove a person but do not block them is there anyway you can later find that you removed them. This is without going through Moderate Activity. Cheers
I have just created a public group, however when the group is searched it comes up with the group name and my personal name – how do I get rid of my personal name from showing
I just started a group not meant to be big just a few people with the same political views. There are only 40 people in this group but my counter says only 20. No matter how many new members it stills say 20. Anybody know what the problem is.
We are a bunch of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our
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You have done a formidable activity and our whole neighborhood will be grateful to you.
Hi… I am trying to make a recreational group about sharing funny questions that have been done to people that read tarot.
This group was closed by Facebook bots for infringment facebook policies “Sexual violence, Bulling and Hate”… Could someone help me with what are we doing wrong and how we could fix it.
Thank you very very much!
I have a question, why is it that some new members added cannot be found in the member list and they are not in the unavailable list. I have noticed this the past couple of weeks.
I had some friends ask me to add them to my group. After sending the invite they are still not in the group. Where do I tell them to go to accept the invite?
great article.thank you.
great and excellent article.
On one drop down menu activated by clicking the three dots next to any live group post there is a “Publish Now” option, what – if anything – does this do.
Very inspiring article. Thank you so much.
I am an admin of a Facebook group I created myself, but I don’t know how to locate the group link so I can share it people I want!
I have a “Closed” group that is not showing up in Facebook searches. Potential members are having trouble finding our group since they can’t find it within the search. I can’t find a way to fix this or to report it to Facebook for assistance. Can anyone help?
I appreciate this post so much! The content provided here is really helpful and straight to the meat. I know people usually have a problem of not being able to accept so many people trying to join the group, where they waste hours actually accepting them manually.
I found a cool tool that lets you automatically grab new member welcome questions as they get approved. It’s called Group Funnels
Helⅼo! I’m at work browsing your blog fгom my iPhone!
Just ԝanted to say I love reading your blog ɑnd lоok forward to аll yоur posts!
Carry on the superb ᴡork!
Thanks this is a great study to learn much information
im finding it hard to get members ,, i have over a 1000 friends and invited them all , but my group only sits at 126 members ,, this is very disheartening and im thinking of closing it down … my daughter on the other hand opened her group at the same time has over a 1000 members and growing everday . what am i doing wrong ?
Thanks a lot for the awesome post, loved it once
again, Ill give this a share.
within a ffacebook group of say a whatever high school can you edit your name to indicate the year of graduation so it appears as JOE BLOW 1975 (your graduation year) for only that group?
very useful and informational
keep doing
Facebook groups can certainly benefit your business if used in the right way.
I manage a public, visible group. I have it set to allow for members to post/edit without needing my approval. How do I allow for members to tag photos without my approval? Currently, I receive a notification but when I click on it (mobile app or laptop) it simply disappears and the photo is not updated with tags I’ve requested from others. Please help me allow my members to feel engaged and valued instead of monitored. At least help me find where I can approve their photo tags. TIA
Thanks for all the tips. In the picture you have posted “Create a post” as well as the prior one there is a picture of a video camera in purple that allows you to create rooms. I have several facebook groups now for business, two have the cameras, and three newer groups, just over 1 week, do not. In about 2 weeks I will very much need the room feature. Do you know why it is not showing? Thanks so much!